Newborn Eyebrows Growth Milestone: When Do Babies Get Eyebrows?

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As a new parent, you constantly find yourself wondering – when do babies grow eyebrows? Noticing the first eyelash or their little ones growing in is a huge milestone that deserves special recognition. 

With all the tremendous changes that take place within those first few months of life, knowing exactly when, for sure, babies will start to sprout those two lovely lines of hair above their eyes can help you figure out which developments are happening at each stage. 

In this blog post, we’ll break down various stages of newborn baby eyebrows growth so parents know what kind of development they should look out for.

When do babies get eyebrows?

On average, when do babies get eyebrows? Most newborns or premature babies will have sparse to no eyebrows when born. However, around the second month of life, you should see some sparse hairs appear above their eyes. 

By the third month, these babies’ hair grows and may become more visible, thicker, and longer. The baby’s eyebrows should become even more prominent in the fourth month.

What are some other milestones when it comes to newborn eyebrow growth? When do babies’ eyelashes and eyebrows get darker? As your baby grows, you may also see its eyebrows start to darken in color and shape around the fifth or sixth months of life. 

During this stage, you may also notice differences between one eyebrow and the other as they become more distinctive and well-defined. When your baby is nine months old, their eyebrows should be almost fully developed!

Knowing when your baby’s eyebrows will start growing can help you understand when certain developmental milestones are taking place and see how far they have come along.

So, Do babies have eyebrows? Interestingly enough, not all babies are born with eyebrows. In fact, according to a study done in 2012, some newborns are born with no eyebrows. But don’t worry! It is entirely normal, and as we mentioned above, those eyebrows will start growing around the second month after birth.

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How early do eyebrows start to develop?

Generally, Babies develop eyebrows after around 22 weeks of pregnancy when the baby’s facial features begin to grow. Over the next several weeks, the eyebrows will become more defined and darker, creating a unique facial feature.

Most babies are born with eyebrows, though they may be very light in color. They typically darken around six weeks of age, when the pigment-producing cells in the skin begin to kick into gear.


Why are my babies eyebrows so light?

As newborns, babies are born with very light or even transparent eyebrows. It takes time for a baby’s hair follicles to start producing pigment. It is not until 5-8 months when babies typically start growing in their eyebrows with more pigment, although this can vary depending on the baby. 

By the time they reach their first birthday, most babies have filled out a complete set of expressive eyebrows comparable to those seen in adults!

If a baby’s eyebrows seem to take longer than usual to grow, this can indicate possible health concerns that need further investigation. Parents should consider taking pictures when their babies are born so they can compare the pictures when tracking the development of their baby’s eyebrows.

What if my baby has no eyebrows or eyelashes?

Many babies have very fine hair on their eyebrows and eyelashes at birth. This hair may be so light that it’s barely noticeable. Baby’s hair starts to surprise with its beauty and fullness around 3-6 months of age – a first glimpse into their unique looks that will startle parents again as they grow. 

There are several possible reasons why your baby may not have eyebrows or eyelashes:

  • For those without hair, it could be attributed to something medical – like alopecia or a hormonal imbalance. These conditions can lead to baldness and sparse growth on the scalp due to imbalances in our natural bodily systems.
  • Also, be that the hair follicles are temporarily dormant and will start to produce hair as your baby grows older. 
  • The sparse eyebrows and lashes may sometimes signify a rare genetic condition such as ectodermal dysplasia. Suspect something’s off? Speak to your pediatrician for an in-depth checkup and get your needed answers.

In all cases, an expert evaluation can provide more information. Remember that the absence of a baby’s eyebrows or eyelashes does not define your baby and that they are still beautiful. They can grow into confident, happy people with the proper support and care.

So when do babies get eyebrows? Typically, eyebrow growth begins when the baby is between one and three months old.

When do baby eyebrows change color?

Infant eyebrows can quickly transform over their first few weeks of life — from near-transparent to a distinct hue! Within 3-8 months, babies begin to truly show off just how unique those facial features will be. Upon birth, a baby’s eyebrow color may match or be lighter than their hair color.

As the baby grows, the baby’s eyebrows will start darkening and may eventually become a shade different from the baby’s hair. However, some babies may keep the same eyebrow color as their light hair throughout life. 

It is also normal for eyebrows to have different colors on each side of the face. Ultimately, it is impossible to predict exactly when a baby’s eyebrows will change color, as this process varies from individual to individual.

In case your baby is born with dense dark hair, you might get taken aback to notice a considerable alteration in their hair color by the time they celebrate their first birthday. It is because babies are born with a layer of soft, fine hair that is usually darker than the hair they will have as they get older. 

Sometimes this baby hair can shed and leave behind a lighter shade of hair. In other cases, the hair color will change to something darker or even lighter than before.

When do babies get eye color?

Babies typically begin to develop their eye color at around 3 to 6 months, although it can sometimes take up to a year. The amount and type of pigment determine it in the iris and can range from shades of brown, blue, green, or a mix of these colors. 

Most kids are born with blue eyes, but the color may change. Sometimes, eye color can remain blue or even become lighter and brighter as they mature. 

Genetics strongly influence the final eye color of a baby; however, environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight and other light sources might also play a role in how the eye color develops. Ultimately, the final eye color of a baby is determined by its genetic makeup and the environment in which they are raised.


What if your newborn eyebrows fall out?

A newborn baby’s eyebrows falling out can be normal or caused by a medical condition. In newborns, eyebrows may not grow until after the first month and often are patchy for several weeks afterward. 

However, it does not indicate any underlying medical issue. However, in some cases, eyebrow hair loss can be caused by eczema or dermatitis, an infection, or certain medical conditions such as alopecia areata.

It is essential to contact your doctor if you notice significant baby head hair and eyebrow hair loss in your newborn that does not improve within a few weeks. They can evaluate the situation and offer treatment options as necessary. 

In some cases, prescribed medications are helpful for the baby’s scalp and eyebrow hair growth, which will depend on the underlying condition.

Home Remedies to promote newborn baby’s eyebrows hair growth

Aside from medical treatments, several unproven at-home remedies may help promote hair growth. To help your baby’s eyebrows grow, massage the baby’s skin with breast milk, vitamin E oil, food grade coconut oil, and apply aloe vera gel on the baby’s eyebrow area.

And avoid drawing fake eyebrows with makeup products, as they can harm your little one’s sensitive skin and cause skin irritation, especially in premature babies.

Other remedies include eating a healthy diet, getting enough rest, and reducing stress will also promise instant hair growth. With treatment and patience, your little one’s eyebrows will grow.

Final Thoughts: When do babies grow eyebrows

Baby’s skin undergoes so many incredible changes during their first few months of life, and when babies have eyebrows is just one more milestone to look out for. 

As a parent, it’s crucial to keep yourself informed about the appropriate timing of various developmental milestones to ensure that your little ones are progressing healthily. Knowing when those cute babies’ eyebrows will start to sprout can help you appreciate the tremendous changes taking place!


Parents Also Ask

Can cradle cap stop eyebrows from growing and developing?

The cradle cap should not affect your eyebrow’s hair growth and development. Cradle cap is often associated with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis but can also be caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Knowing the root cause is critical to finding an effective long-term treatment solution.

Which oil is best for eyebrow growth?

Almond oils are the most popular natural solution for thickening sparse arches. Jojoba oil is also a favored choice due to its anti-inflammatory properties – perfect when treating inflamed or irritated skin around the eyes. All these oils contain fatty acids and nutrients that help nourish the baby’s delicate skin around the eyebrows, helping promote thicker, longer, healthier-looking visible eyebrows.

What deficiency causes white eyebrows?

Iron deficiency, also known as anemia, often causes white eyebrows. It is because a lack of iron can result in the loss of pigment in some body regions, including the eyebrows. To treat this problem, you may need to take an iron supplement or make dietary changes to ensure you get enough iron.

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